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Schools - 23.05.2022

Dreamachine Schools: Instilling confidence and curiosity

A rad wolf

The Guardian has reported that the educational progress and social development of young, primary aged children has been most severely impacted by the global pandemic. 

Teachers who spoke to the Education Endowment Foundation expressed that the repercussions of Covid lockdowns and school closures has “left many infants with ‘low self-esteem and confidence’, and that more children than previously ‘feel overwhelmed’ by learning”.

At the heart of our free schools programme is the desire to instil confidence and curiosity in KS1 and KS2 children across the country. Developed by A New Direction, Dreamachine Schools has been created in partnership with the British Science Association, UNICEF UK and We The Curious.

Explore our collection of 5 PSHE lesson plans for children ages 5 – 11 years-old. These learning materials focus on Personal Development and Health & Wellbeing, providing opportunities for children to reflect on their connection to each other and the world; developing self-esteem and strategies for self-care.

The creative, student-led activities empower students to develop self-care strategies and important life skills such as imagination, collaboration, communication, independence, self-confidence and mutual understanding.
– Dr Lisa-Maria Müller, Head of Research, Chartered College of Teaching

Furthermore, each of our 10 free Citizenship lesson plans have been created in partnership with UNICEF UK and focus on a particular right from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – helping pupils to grow more confident in standing up for their beliefs and having their voices heard.

Dreamachine also offers free science resources, free CPD webinars for teachers and has just launched Life’s Big Questions: a free series of interactive activities and scientific challenges for 7-11 year olds – helping children to acknowledge their similarities and celebrate their differences with one another.

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