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Science - 16.02.2023

How does your brain create the world around you?

A rad wolf

At every moment our senses are taking in information from the world around us. Our brains then make sense of that information to give us a picture of how the world looks, sounds and feels.

The Perception Census is one of the largest scientific studies on perception ever undertaken – exploring how our experiences of the world differ for each of us.  It’s broken down into sections, and we’re going to explore each of them in this series of blog posts. 

The first section is ‘The Fundamentals of Perception’This section broadly looks to explore how your brain pieces that information together, creating an experience that is unique to every one of us.

A series of seven tasks investigates how you perceive colour, sound, and time, as well as how your senses work together, how your imagination works, and much more. 

After you complete each task, we’ll reveal a little bit about what it was about, and what we hope to learn. So you’ll learn about how your brain works as well as contributing to important scientific research. 

This is the first part of the study, and once you’ve completed this one you’ll be able to pick and choose from the remaining nine topics. The more you complete, the more valuable the research becomes.

Get started now.

More about The Perception Census:

Learn about the potential of your mind in fun bite-size chunks – a series of games, illusions, brain teasers and mental challenges that investigate different aspects of how you experience the world, teaching you about your powers of perception as you go.

The findings will help scientists and philosophers understand the unique ways in which we each experience the world around us – and the more people who participate, the more useful the research will become. 


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